Happy Easter Sunday


Happy Easter Sunday

Looking for Easter Sunday inspiration? Read Luke 24:6-7 (NIV) and be reminded that our God is a God of resurrection and new beginnings. Trust in His promises and share the message of hope and new life with others. Experience the power of His resurrection in your life today and always.


Day 7 - Jesus died to destroy death


Day 7 - Jesus died to destroy death

Jesus is the alpha and omega, the one who was and who is to come. His presence is powerful and can sustain us through difficult times. Let us turn to Him during times of trial, draw near to Him and learn of His ways. He is the source of our comfort and encouragement as He will never abandon us. He has conquered death!


Success Starts with Your Thoughts

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Success Starts with Your Thoughts

Learn how the power of your thoughts can impact your success in life. Discover how to turn negative thoughts into positive ones and take control of your mindset with these tips. With 2 Corinthians 10:5 as inspiration, this devotional encourages you to align your thoughts with God's will and take action towards your goals. Start living your best life today with the power of your thoughts!

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Day 6 - Jesus died so that we can have eternal life


Day 6 - Jesus died so that we can have eternal life

Jesus' ultimate sacrifice of His life on the cross enables us to have life with Him, no matter if we are conscious of it or not. Through His love for us, we can live in eternity and bask in His grace, no matter our state of being. He died for us so that we may live with Him, now and forever.


God Likes the Way He Made You


God Likes the Way He Made You

Psalm 139:15 reminds us that God is intimately involved in every aspect of our lives, from the moment we are formed in our mother's womb. This verse is a powerful reminder that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by a loving God who knows us intimately. As we go about our day, let us remember that we are not alone, but rather that God is with us, guiding us every step of the way.


Day 3 - Jesus died so that He might ransom people


Day 3 - Jesus died so that He might ransom people

Jesus said, “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Jesus taught us that serving others is the greatest act of love and sacrifice. He gave His life that others might have salvation. Through His example, He gave us a blueprint of how to serve and how to be a servant leader.


Day 2 - Jesus died to destroy captivity


Day 2 - Jesus died to destroy captivity

Jesus declared that God had anointed him to bring good news to the afflicted. He said that God had sent him to proclaim freedom for captives, to give sight to the blind, and to free those oppressed by injustice. He promised that the year of the Lord’s favor had arrived.


Day 1 - Jesus died to become the mediator of the New Covenant


Day 1 - Jesus died to become the mediator of the New Covenant

God desires all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, He made it possible for us to be reconciled to God, no matter who we are. The Lord offers salvation to everyone who calls on Him. We are encouraged to intercede for all people, so that God's will is done and everyone can come to repentance.


God Sees You


God Sees You

God is faithful and just to keep His promises. He will not forget the work we have done in faith and love and that we have shown in serving Him. He will reward us for our commitment and diligence. He will shower us with His loving kindness, mercy and grace as we continue to serve Him. He will never forsake us and will lead us to a future of hope, peace and joy.


God Likes the Way He Made You


God Likes the Way He Made You

God knows my every thought, my every word, my every move. He knows me inside and out, He knows what makes me tick. He sees me in my joy and my sorrow, in my weakness and my strength. He is deeply invested in my life, taking an interest even in the tiniest details. I am grateful that no matter what, I am completely known and completely loved.


Being One with God


Being One with God

God can help us find strength even in our weakest moments. He gives us hope and patience to keep going no matter how heavy our burdens may be. He promises, “But those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not become weary; they will walk and not faint.”


Masterpieces in Process


Masterpieces in Process

You are wonderful and unique! Your gifts, talents, and abilities are a blessing. You are one-of-a-kind and special—a masterpiece created by the hands of God. His love for you is unending and He has great plans for you. With faith and courage, you can do anything. You are His beloved daughter or son and a masterpiece in His sight.


Someone Greater


Someone Greater

You belong to God, beloved. The Spirit who lives in you has already conquered the spirit of the world. You are victorious through Him, so stand firm and trust in the Lord.


Seriously Committed


Seriously Committed

Jesus and all who are made holy through him have the same Father. Jesus loves them and cherishes them like brothers and sisters, so He never feels ashamed to call them that. He acknowledges that they are family through their shared Father.


God Is Sovereign Over Delays


God Is Sovereign Over Delays

We can have our own agenda, be it a schedule, a plan, or a goal. But ultimately, it is the Lord who will lead us in fulfilling that agenda. We can trust that God will show us which path to take and will guide our steps. He will determine what succeeds and what fails. We can rely on His wisdom and guidance to achieve our dreams.


A Heart That Follows God


A Heart That Follows God

Follow what is good and reject what is evil. Doing good shows that you are a child of God, while doing evil reveals that one does not know God. Don't give in to bad examples. Instead, take God's word as an example and know Him better.


Why Love Matters


Why Love Matters

Love never gives up, even when faced with challenges and difficulties. Love never loses faith, remaining steadfast and strong even in the face of adversity. Love is always hopeful, looking towards the future with positivity and optimism. And finally, love endures through every circumstance, remaining present and consistent through both good times and bad.
