Seriously Committed
“11 So now Jesus and the ones he makes holy have the same Father. That is why Jesus is not ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters.”
New birth in Christ happens the instant we ask Jesus to forgive our sins and be our Saviour but learning to live a new life is a process of transformation.
God doesn’t work just with our behaviour; He also changes our hearts. When we seriously commit ourselves to Jesus as Saviour and Lord, God begins transforming us from the inside out.
However, this transformation doesn’t happen overnight and will seem very slow at times. When you are tempted to condemn yourself because you aren’t making the progress you think you should be making, remind yourself, “I’m okay and I’m on my way!”
Remember that through faith you have been made right with God, and even though you have not arrived at perfection, you are making progress.
Heavenly Father, thank You, for Your guidance and protection along our journey. For blessing us with the strength and courage to continue on this path, even when we have been discouraged at times. We are thankful for the progress we have made, however small, and for You never giving up on us. In Jesus Precious name, Amen.