Have you ever found yourself in the dark, struggling to find your way? Maybe you've been in a situation where you didn't know which way to turn, or maybe you've felt lost in a sea of confusion and uncertainty. If so, then today's devotional is for you.

In Psalm 119:105, the psalmist writes, 

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

This verse is a powerful reminder that when we don't know which way to turn, we can always turn to God's word for guidance and direction. His word is like a lamp that illuminates our path and shows us the way forward.

But the key is to actually read and apply His word. It's not enough to simply have a Bible sitting on our bookshelf; we must actually take the time to read it and apply it to our lives. As we do, we'll find that God's word not only illuminates our path, but it also gives us the strength and courage we need to keep going.

So if you're feeling lost or unsure today, take heart and turn to God's word. Spend time reading it and meditating on its truths. Allow it to guide you and lead you forward, one step at a time. And know that as you do, God is with you, every step of the way.

Let's pray:

Father, thank You for Your word. Thank You for the guidance and direction it provides. Help us to make reading and studying Your word a priority in our lives. Show us how to apply its truths to our everyday lives so that we may walk in Your ways and follow Your path for our lives. We trust in You and Your word, knowing that You will never lead us astray. In Jesus' name, Amen.

May you be filled with His strength, His peace, and His joy today and always.

In Christ,

Pastor Ras
