Day 14: King Herod

Matthew 2:16 (NIV) 16 “When Herod realised that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi”.


In the story of Jesus' birth, we see different reactions to God's plans. King Herod, the ruler of the land, was filled with fear and insecurity. He was terrified of losing his throne to Jesus, who was born as the promised new King. Herod's fear led him to make a dreadful decision: he ordered harm to innocent children. This act is a stark reminder of how a desire for power can lead to darkness and harm.

In contrast, the birth of Jesus, the true King sent by God, brought a message of love, peace, and kindness. Unlike earthly kings who rely on force and fear, Jesus' kingship was about serving others, bringing hope and healing. His arrival challenged our usual understanding of power. Real strength, according to Jesus, isn't about controlling or dominating others, but about loving, helping, and caring for them.

This scripture invites us to reflect on our own approach to power and control. Do we cling to control out of fear, like Herod? Do we react with anger or hostility when our position or status is challenged? Herod's story warns us about the dangers of letting fear and the desire for power drive our actions.

Jesus' life provides a different example. He shows us that true power is in humility, service, and trust in God's plan. By following Jesus’ teachings, we learn to use our influence and authority for good, to honour God, and to serve others. This is the real strength that comes from faith — not from fear or force, but from love and humility.


Dear Lord, help me not be a selfish person who is blinded by the power and the glory of this world. I ask that the Holy Spirit would guard my heart against the love for the things of this world. I pray this in Your name, Amen.


Take a moment to think about areas in your life where you might be holding onto power or control out of fear, like Herod did. Have a quiet time with God and talk about these things. Ask for His guidance to lead you towards a path of love and humility, following Jesus' example.
