Day 1: The King Is Coming

Zechariah 9:9 (NIV) 9 “Rejoice greatly, Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your King comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”


Imagine the scene in Jerusalem: the air buzzing with anticipation, hearts filled with hope. The citizens were not just awaiting any king; they were preparing for the arrival of a King who embodied righteousness and victory. Unlike rulers of the past, this King's dominion would extend beyond the city's walls, reaching the hearts of people across the world.

The fulfillment of this prophecy is beautifully recorded in the Gospels. The Lord Jesus Christ's entry into Jerusalem, humble and riding on a donkey, wasn't just a moment in history. It was a declaration of a new kind of kingship, one marked by humility, righteousness, and victory over sin and death.

The Impact of Jesus' Kingship

The arrival of Jesus as King redefines what leadership and victory mean. His reign isn't about earthly power or dominance. It's about setting a divine standard for morality and ethics, a standard that stands out in today's world more than ever.

Think about it: In a world often led by self-interest, Jesus presents a model of leadership grounded in service and sacrifice. His victory isn't won by force or coercion but through love, grace, and self-giving. This is the King we celebrate and welcome into our lives.

Living Under the Reign of Jesus

Having Jesus Christ as our King isn't just a matter of historical belief; it's about inviting His reign into every aspect of our lives. It's about allowing His principles of righteousness and humility to guide our actions, decisions, and relationships.

Consider this: How does the reign of Jesus influence your daily life? Does His example of humility and service shape how you interact with others? As His followers, we are called not just to admire His qualities but to embody them, transforming our lives and communities in the process.


Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, a King whose reign brings righteousness and victory into our lives. Help us to embrace His lordship, allowing His principles to guide our actions and decisions. May we reflect His love and humility in all that we do. Amen.

Action Step

Today, take a moment to reflect on the reign of Jesus in your life. Consider the areas where His influence is evident and the areas where you might invite Him to have greater reign. Embrace His kingship, and let His righteousness and love guide you in all your endeavours.
