Today, I want to encourage you with a powerful scripture from Psalm 46:10a (NIV)

"Be still and know that I am God…"

Today's devotional is all about finding peace in the midst of chaos. We live in a world that is constantly moving, constantly changing, and it can be hard to find a moment of stillness. But the Bible reminds us that in the midst of all this, God is still in control.

Finding Peace and Rest in a Busy World

When life gets overwhelming, it's important to take a moment and just be still. We need to stop running, stop worrying, and just remember who God is. He is the one who holds the world in His hands, who knows the beginning from the end, and who has a plan for our lives. When we take a step back and remember this, we can find peace in the midst of chaos.

But how do we do this practically? One way is to set aside time each day to be still before God. Maybe it's in the morning before the day gets started, or in the evening before bed. Whatever time works best for you, take a few minutes to be quiet and focus on God. Pray, read the Bible, or just sit in silence and let His peace wash over you.

Another way to find stillness is to disconnect from the constant noise of the world. Turn off your phone, shut off the TV, and just be present in the moment. Listen to the sounds around you, feel the air on your skin, and take a deep breath. These simple acts of mindfulness can help us connect with God and find peace in the midst of chaos.

So today, I want to encourage you to take a moment to be still. Remember that God is in control, and that He is with you in the midst of whatever chaos you may be facing. Let His peace fill your heart and soul, and trust that He has a plan for your life.

Let's pray:

God, thank You for the reminder to be still and know that You are God. In the midst of chaos and busyness, help us to find moments of peace and stillness. Fill us with Your presence and help us to trust in Your plan for our lives. We love You and we thank You for all that You do. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

May you be filled with His strength, His peace, and His joy today and always.

In Christ,

Pastor Ras
