In our lives, the people we surround ourselves with can have a profound impact on our spiritual growth, emotional well-being, and overall outlook. Today, I want to explore with you a vital aspect of our social lives that can often be overlooked: the importance of choosing the right friends. Through the lens of Psalm 86, specifically verse 4, we will uncover why and how selecting uplifting friends is crucial for our spiritual journey.

Psalm 86:4 (NLT) Give me happiness, O Lord, for I give myself to you.

Friends are more than just companions; they are mirrors reflecting back to us aspects of ourselves, and they are windows through which we can see the world. When we choose friends who are positive, supportive, and spiritually inclined, they encourage us to grow in faith and embrace a life aligned with our beliefs and values.

In the context of Psalm 86, David shows a profound reliance on God for joy and strength. This reliance is something we too can foster in our own lives by surrounding ourselves with friends who encourage reliance on God, and who bring joy rather than distress.

The Traits of Uplifting Friends

So, what makes a friend uplifting? An uplifting friend is someone who:

  • Encourages your faith and challenges you to grow spiritually.

  • Offers wise counsel and supports you through life’s ups and downs.

  • Celebrates your successes without jealousy.

  • Provides comfort and prayer during tough times.

  • Inspires you to be a better version of yourself.

How to Choose the Right Friends

Choosing the right friends involves more than following gut feelings. It requires intentional discernment and a clear understanding of the traits that support mutual growth. Here are some tips on selecting friends who will enrich your life:

  • Observe how they treat others: True character is revealed not just in how a person treats you, but also in how they treat others around them.

  • Look for consistency: Friends who are consistent in their words and actions are more likely to be reliable and trustworthy.

  • Prioritize shared values: Shared beliefs and values can strengthen a friendship and provide a common ground for growth.

  • Seek mutual respect: A friendship without respect can never be uplifting. Respectful interactions are foundational to any healthy relationship.

  • Pray for discernment: Ask God to guide you in your relationships and to bring people into your life who will positively influence your spiritual journey.

Friendship influences our spiritual lives profoundly. Friends who share our faith and values can encourage us to delve deeper into the word of God, pray more earnestly, and live out our beliefs more fully. They are companions in the journey of faith, offering encouragement when we falter and celebrating with us when we thrive.

At All Nations Community Church, we often see the beautiful transformations that occur when individuals are surrounded by godly friends. These friends act as iron sharpening iron, each person growing wiser and more compassionate through their interactions.

Building and Maintaining Healthy Friendships

Building healthy friendships is an ongoing process. Here are a few strategies to nurture and maintain uplifting friendships:

  • Communicate openly and honestly: Keeping the lines of communication open is essential in any relationship.

  • Be a good listener: Sometimes, being a supportive friend means listening more than talking.

  • Support their dreams and goals: Encourage your friends to pursue their aspirations and offer help where you can.

  • Pray together: There is immense power in praying together, as it strengthens the spiritual bond between friends.

  • Spend quality time: Regularly set aside time to enjoy shared interests and activities.

Navigating Challenges in Friendships

Even the best friendships face challenges. When conflicts arise, it’s important to address them with grace and understanding. Approach conflicts with a desire to resolve them rather than to win them. Forgiveness and compassion are key in maintaining long-term friendships.

Choosing friends who lift you up is crucial for your spiritual health and overall happiness. As we reflect on Psalm 86, let us seek to surround ourselves with people who bring joy and positivity into our lives, just as we strive to be that source of joy for others.

Let us close with a prayer:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of friendship and the joy it brings into our lives. Help us to choose wisely the friends we keep, seeking always those who lead us closer to You. May our friendships be a reflection of Your love and grace, filled with joy, understanding, and mutual support. Guide us in nurturing relationships that help us grow in faith and love. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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