Day 7: Honouring and Nurturing a Pure Marriage

MAIN SCRIPTURE: Hebrews 13:4 (NLT) 4 Give honour to marriage and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery.


In our verse for today we are reminded of the sacredness of marriage. The verse encourages couples to cherish and honour their commitment to each other, keeping their bond clean and filled with mutual respect. Just as a garden flourishes when tended to with care, so too does a marriage when nurtured with purity.

Ephesians 5:25-33 paints a beautiful image of how marital love can mirror the profound and selfless love Christ has for the church. In these verses, husbands are encouraged to love their wives with the same depth and devotion that Christ showed for all of us. Wives, too, are called to respect and support their husbands, creating a harmonious and loving partnership.

A pure and strong marriage doesn't just happen; it is built day by day, choice by choice. It is in the small acts of kindness, the gentle words of love, and the consistent efforts to understand and support each other that a marriage truly reflects Christ's love for us.


Heavenly Father, we seek Your guidance and strength in upholding the purity and faithfulness within our marriages. Help couples to nurture their bond, always reflecting Your unwavering and selfless love for us. May our homes be filled with kindness, understanding, and enduring commitment, becoming a testament to Your divine love. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
