Colossians 3:2 (NIV) Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”


The world we live in is full of labels. Everywhere you look, there's a tag, someone is labelled as successful, another as beautiful, another as smart, and yet another as wealthy. These labels can be attractive and may sometimes even define how we view ourselves. But remember, these are only earthly standards.

You see, God doesn't look at us the way the world does. He doesn't care about your bank account, your job title, or how many followers you have on social media. What God cares about is your heart and your willingness to follow Him. Your real identity isn't defined by the world; it's rooted in Christ. And that identity is one of love, grace, and eternal purpose.

When we choose to "set our minds on things above," something miraculous happens. Those labels begin to fade away and we see ourselves as God sees us: cherished, redeemed, and made in His image.


Heavenly Father, help me to set my mind on heavenly things, and not be persuaded by the world's labels. I want to find my identity only in You. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Identify the earthly labels you struggle with. Replace them with Scriptural truths about who you are in Christ. Write these truths on sticky notes and place them where you can see them daily.
