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Run Your Race! by Pastor Ras


Run Your Race! by Pastor Ras

The author of Hebrews tells us to run with perseverance the race marked out for us. We are all in a race and we are not in competition with one and other. Everyone is called to run their own race. In today’s message Pastor Ras looks at the importance of not comparing yourself with others, but instead focusing on someone else’s race but instead focusing on your own race.


What's My Calling? by Pastor Ras


What's My Calling? by Pastor Ras

In today’s message Pastor Ras looks at the importance of discovering your calling. In this message pastor Ras looks at the life of Esther and picks out four things that Esther did that we could do to help us discover our calling.


Dare To Be Different by Pastor Ras


Dare To Be Different by Pastor Ras

In today’s message Pastor Ras looks at the importance of living a that is different, set apart and holy. We are called to be different. In this message titled “Dare to be Different” pastor Ras looks at how God wants His children to be different. He starts by looking at four common pitfalls in our journey in life and how to overcome them by looking at the life of Noah!


Focussed Life by Pastor Ras


Focussed Life by Pastor Ras

In today’s message Pastor Ras looks at the importance of living a focussed life. If we live a unfocussed life we could be in danger of ending up anywhere and even getting off track in life. The more focussed your life is more impact you will have.


Become Blessable by Pastor Ras


Become Blessable by Pastor Ras

God wants to bless His children, however these blessing are not automatic but conditional. God says if you do this then I will do this! There are over 7000 promises in the Bible and every promise there is a condition attached to it. God wants to bless you but you have to become blessable. Today pastor Ras shares 5 things that God says if you do this then I will bless you!


Submit To God's Plan by Pastor Ras


Submit To God's Plan by Pastor Ras

Pastor Ras looks at the story of Joseph and looks at how, if Joseph went with his own plan of divorcing Mary and wasn’t obedient to the dream, he could have completely cut himself out of God's will for his life. In this message He shares two things that we need to work on in order to be able to submit to God's plan in our lives.


Jesus the Prince of Peace by Pastor Ras


Jesus the Prince of Peace by Pastor Ras

The goal of Jesus on earth wasn't to make earth peaceful. You see while earth is not a peaceful place, you and I could still have peace on earth. The bible tells us how peace is given to those on whom His favour rests on. You see peace is a gift that Jesus worked pretty hard to pay for, and that is a gift that is available for every Christian, but we need to accept the gift and open it.


The Seed inside of You


The Seed inside of You

I know that the devil has tried very hard to create Death Valleys in most believers’ life, but I want to speak rain over your life in 2022 and beyond! There's a rain coming your way and the seeds that are in you are ready to grow! Your Death Valley is going to be turned into a beautiful garden.
