Traveling Light by Max Lucado
Session 16 - The Burden of Envy
The Gospel of John by Tony Evans
Session 2 - John 2:1–25
Crazy Love - Francis Chan
Session 6 - When You're In Love
Love Does by Bob Goff
Session 2 - Free to Fail
Traveling Light by Max Lucado
Session 16 - The Burden of Envy
Session 2 - John 2:1–25
Session 6 - When You're In Love
Session 2 - Free to Fail
Traveling Light by Max Lucado
Session 15 - The Burden of Disappointment
Session 1 - John 1:1–34
Session 5 - Serving Leftovers to a Holy God
Session 1 - I’m With You
Traveling Light by Max Lucado
Session 14 - The Burden of Shame
Session 4 - The Wreckage of Your Words
Session 3 - Profile of the Lukewarm
Traveling Light by Max Lucado
Session 13 - The Burden of Loneliness
Session 3 - Your Mouth Mirrors Your Heart
Session 3 - Crazy Love
Traveling Light by Max Lucado
Session 12 - The Burden of Fear
Session 2 - Your Voice Has Victory
Session 2 - You Might Not Finish This Chapter
Traveling Light by Max Lucado
Session 11 - The Burden of Grief
Session 1 - Who's Master of Your Mouth?
Session 1 - Stop Praying
You are not just a "number." God knows your name and knows your heart. You matter to God and Jesus wants to meet you wherever you are at in life and minister His grace to you. You certainly matter to Him.
Looking at the book of 2 Chronicles chapters 17 to 24 we can see a developing story that speaks to us about the consequences of connecting with the wrong people. People who hate the Lord. Pastor Paul shares on the importance of being connected with the right people.
Attached is a letter from Lead Pastor Rasol dated 4th July 2020 regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic church response.
Please check back for updates.
WCC Leadership Team
We serve a truly faithful and mighty God who honours his word. This powerful testimony of miraculous healing is another great reminder of His goodness and mercy.
The generosity of the people of the church helps create more opportunities for people to experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus, and there is no greater impact we could make together.
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““Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver””
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Welcome to the Village - the Kids ministry at Wythenshawe Community Church. Please enjoy our first episode of Buddy and Joy.
Welcome to the Village - the Kids ministry at Wythenshawe Community Church.
Access to Google Classroom
Class code: vqizk2s
Attached is a letter from Lead Pastor Rasol dated 18th March 2020 regarding the Corona Virus Pandemic church response.
Please check back for updates.
WCC Leadership Team
Releasing children from poverty
We believe it is our duty as Christians to use whatever means necessary to share the good news of Jesus Christ, that He saves, heals and delivers and has made a way to the Father.
As a church we’re committed to supporting other Christians that live in countries where it is difficult to be a Christian. One of those places is Kosovo.
Christians Against Poverty
The following messages were recorder on the 18th January 2020 in the Advance AOG Zone 1 meeting at Wythenshawe Community Church.
For nearly 20 years, Young Lions has been instrumental in developing the next generations of AoG leaders.
Featuring a unique mixture of ministry, teaching, coaching groups & practical challenges, it is a weekend that produces incredible results in the lives of the delegates & coaches. Our Nation needs young leaders who know God, know themselves, and are equipped to further His Kingdom wherever they are. Our Nation needs Young Lions.