Welcome to All Nations Community Church's devotional blog. Today, we're going to explore the topic of the preciousness of the Lord Jesus. In 1 Peter 2:6, Peter tells us that Jesus is precious, but he couldn't tell us how precious He is. No one could ever compute the value of God's unspeakable gift. It's impossible to convey the preciousness of the Lord Jesus to His people nor to explain how essential He is to their satisfaction and happiness. But we're going to try.
“For in Scripture it says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in Him will never be put to shame.””
The Lord Jesus is the source of all joy, all hope, and all satisfaction. Without Him, we find ourselves in a howling wilderness. Without Him, even in the brightest daylight, the world appears dark. But in Him, we find the light that shines brighter than any darkness.
Think about it: what would you do in the world without Him when you wake up and look ahead to the day's battle? What would you do at night when you come home jaded and weary if there were no door of fellowship between you and Christ? Thankfully, Jesus never forsakes His own. He is always with us, guiding us, comforting us, and encouraging us.
Have you ever experienced a time of abundance when you felt a great emptiness because your faith was shaken? It is like the sun shining on a dark world, but the light of Christ is absent, leaving everything in darkness. Or it is like being in the night without the bright and morning star, which is Christ, and no other star can provide any light. This world is a barren wilderness without our Lord. If He hides Himself from us, the flowers of our garden wither, our pleasant fruits decay, the birds stop singing, and our hopes are shattered by a tempest.
But in Him, we find peace that transcends all understanding. We find joy that is unspeakable and full of glory. We find hope that never fades away. We find a love that is unconditional and unchanging.
Just imagine facing the struggles of the day without Him, or coming home jaded and weary at night without any door of fellowship between you and Christ. Thankfully, Jesus never forsakes His own. Let the thought of what life would be without Him enhance His preciousness.
The Lord Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith, the source of our joy, and the centre of our lives. In Him, we find everything we need for our satisfaction and happiness. As we go through this week, let's remember to keep our eyes fixed on Him, to lean on Him for strength, and to trust in Him for our every need.
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, we thank You for Your preciousness. We thank You for being the source of all joy, all hope, and all satisfaction. As we go through this week, help us to keep our eyes fixed on You, to lean on You for strength, and to trust in You for our every need. In Your name, we pray. Amen.