“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old is gone, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17.

My name is Smyrna Joseph. I was born into a Christian family and from my childhood my parents taught me about Jesus.  I never used to bother to listen or pay attention when it was prayer time or time for church. I used to be in my own world all the time thinking only about myself…!

On 9th August I went with my mother to church. It was a normal fasting prayer meeting which we always have on Tuesdays. So we went there and I invited one of my friends as I knew I would get bored.

My friend and I were sitting at the table colouring and one of church member got a text saying that the rioters where in Manchester and had destroyed a few shops. So my friend and I got very scared, we starting saying what if they came to Wythenshawe or came to us, because Manchester city centre is very close.

Before going home Pastor Mike gave very encouraging word from Psalm 91: 14-16. “Because he loves me, “says the Lord, “I will rescue him;  I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

So the prayer meeting finished and we went home. On the way home in the car we were passing the Forum we all saw gangs and gangs of teenagers, and police were there getting ready, putting on all their protection gear, and getting their guns.  My friend and I got so scared looking at everything we got terrified and started to cry.

On the way home on the motorway we were still in shock and very upset.  Then Aunty Angela said, “Up there in the clouds there is an invisible fight going on between the angels and demons, how can we support God when he sees his daughters crying?  He promised that He would protect you and God must be thinking my daughter's don’t believe in me!”

These words made us more calm. We reached home and I was still scared but not as much as before.  My friend and I were sitting in the bed watching the news and my friend said what if Jesus comes now because it is the end days?  So, I got scared and starting thinking what if Jesus does come and it is Judgment Day?  What will happen to me?   I don’t want to go to hell! Will I go to HEAVEN or HELL?  We both started to read the Bible.

Immediately I went and said to mum, “Mummy I want to accept Jesus into my Life. But at the same time I don’t know because I have fear in my heart.  My mum read the Bible and prayed for both us.  My mum told us to remember as God promise “Do not be afraid, for I am with you”. Isaiah 43:5.  But because of my fear my mum spoke with pastor mike to pray for me. After Pastor Mike prayed for me he arranged some Bible teaching for me with Aunty Angela. This comforted my heart. 

That day when I prayed the sinner’s prayer all the fear went away and new joy came into my heart.  That was the moment I accepted Jesus as my personal saviour.

I came home and told my parents. They were very happy.  As days passed by I wanted to get baptised and Pastor Mike helped me to understand what it meant to be baptised.  I believed that Jesus died for me on the cross and shed His blood for me; He washed away all my sins and went into heaven to prepare place for me.

On 11th September 2011 I took water baptism.  The Bible says, “Having been buried with Him in baptism, you were also raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.” Colossians 2:12.

I am very thankful to Pastor Mike and Aunty Angela for teaching me.  I will always remember both of you as my spiritual teachers.  I thank God that He has saved me. I am proud to say, “I AM A CHILD OF GOD.”  Hallelujah….!


Smyrna Joseph

aged 11 years and 11 months.