All Nations Community Church Wythenshawe - Community Through Faith and Fellowship (Pentecostal Church AOG)

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Presence of God

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Isaiah 7:14 (NIV) 14 “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel, which is translated “God with us”.


Today, on our fourth day together, we look into the heart of a profound and comforting promise: the presence of God among us, as revealed in Isaiah 7:14 and fulfilled in Matthew 1:22-26. This isn't just a historical event; it's a personal invitation to experience God's closeness every day of our lives.

The term 'Incarnation' encapsulates the wondrous act of God taking human form. In Jesus, God didn't just observe humanity from a distance; He became part of our world, experiencing the full spectrum of human emotion and understanding our struggles firsthand. This act of love and humility changed the course of history and redefined our relationship with the Divine.

Reflecting on Jesus's life on Earth, we see a tapestry of joy, pain, triumph, and suffering. He celebrated at weddings, wept over loss, felt the sting of betrayal, and the weight of responsibility. In Jesus, God's omnipotence met human vulnerability, showing us that our weaknesses and challenges are understood by God, not just as a creator, but as one who has walked in our shoes.

In your moments of joy, remember Jesus's laughter and shared happiness. In times of sorrow, recall His tears. When you face trials, think of His endurance. This connection with Jesus brings a profound sense of companionship and understanding into our daily lives.


Heavenly Father, we are eternally grateful for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ. His life among us is a constant reminder of Your love and closeness. In Your boundless grace, You chose to experience life as we do, bringing light into our darkness. Help us to feel Your presence in every moment of our lives.

Action Step:

Today, take a moment to reflect on the reality of God walking on Earth. Think about the significance of Jesus's life and teachings. How does knowing God experienced life as a human impact your faith and daily living? Let this reflection guide your actions and interactions today.