You shall be my witnesses…to the ends of the world
Praise the Lord...! To God be all glory and honour.
Grace and peace to you all in the name of our saviour Jesus Christ.
Thank you very much to Pastor Rasol to share my testimony. In response to Jesus’ last words to his disciples before he ascended into heavens as recorded in Acts 1:8, where Jesus said, “You shall be my witnesses from Jerusalem to Judea to Samaria and to the ends of the world,” I stand here to witness the love of God that I have experienced in my life and want to share it as my faith story, as my story of God’s grace and as my testimony.
Allow me to share with you two things in this my testimony. Firstly, I want to share my story, where God’s grace has been sufficient, and secondly want to share God’s gracious story in my life in the recent past.
" Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, His love endures forever." (1 Chronicle 16:35)
My story – God’s grace is sufficient for me:
My name is Shaila Joseph and I am from India. I was born and brought up in Pandita Ramabai Mukti Mission, Kedgaon, Pune. It's a Christian orphanage and God took care of me. Till today I don't know my biological parents, but God had a special plan in my life. He sent Heather Johnstone, an Australian missionary to care for me. Isn't this wonderful? From my childhood, I had very good education, Bible knowledge and a disciplined lifestyle. In 1986 I had an encounter with Jesus Christ and accepted Jesus as my personal saviour and was then baptised declaring my faith in Jesus openly and publicly. From that day till today God has always been faithful to me, never leaving me nor forsaking me. I was married to Elias Joseph and God blessed us with two wonderful daughters Smyrna and Susanna, both studying, and we are now settled in Manchester, United Kingdom. I have been working as a staff nurse for the last 30 years and I enjoy my work, as I recognise it as a call of God to serve people through the ministry of nursing. I love looking after needy people, for God has given me the gifts of caring, serving others with a compassionate heart. For the last three years, I have been working as a Clinical Educator at National Health Service (NHS) hospital in the UK. We as a family have been actively involved in the Wythenshew Community church.
Shaila Joseph
God’s gracious story in my life in the recent past:
Everyone's testimony is powerful because it is a story about moving from death to life. Giving my personal testimony is a way to share God’s gracious intervention in my life, for God’s work has been beyond any words.
No one ever thought that the year 2020 would be a year swept over by a global pandemic called COVID-19. No one ever imagined that this pandemic would bring this world to a standstill. The entire world was shaken. People have been worried, frighten, scared, anxious and were living in utter fear and uncertainty. In the UK, it has been reported that people from Black, Asian, Ethnic Minority communities are three times more likely to die of this virus than the rest of the population, these communities were at higher risk of dying due to this virus.
Little did I know that I would be one of those persons affected by this Corona virus. I became unwell started COVID-19 symptoms, such as Fever, headache, sore throat, dry cough, no sense of smell and taste, lethargic, body ache, general weakness SOB and loss of appetite. Had my swab test on the 9th April and due to weekend received my result on the 11th of April. The test result confirmed that I was tested COVID-19 positive. In my nursing career, I looked after patients those who are affected with Swine flu, influenza, Ebola, MRSA, pneumonia, SARS, AIDS etc.
Down on my knees, I cried out to the Lord and prayed as Ezekiel prayed (2 King 20:2-3, Isaiah 38:2-3) " Hezekiah turn his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord, "Remember Lord How I have walked before you, faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes and Ezekiel wept bitterly." The same way I prayed to God asking forgiveness and healing. Like Ezekiel turn his face to wall the same way in my bedroom I turn my face to the wall cried out to Him. "Lord forgives my sins, give me the strength to face every day. It was hard for me but NOT for God, it was difficult for me but NOT for God, it was impossible for me but NOT for God because He is a God who makes all things possible, for nothing is too difficult for Him.
This journey wasn't easy without the support of my family and without the prayer support from all of you. Of course, with few people, I have shared my prayer request. It was challenging to maintain isolation at home with the family, it was traumatic. I had sleepless nights, and pain. While resting in my room most of the time I was listening to sermons and reading the word of God and was praying for others. Every day I was thanking God for adding a new day in my life and was reaching out to needy people through prayers. Nothing is impossible to our God.
He saved me and restored my health. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me, your rod and your staff they comfort me." (Psalm 23:4). How blessed I AM. God will never allow His children to suffer for a longer time, in fact, He will rescue them. God in Jesus journeyed with me during this time, for he never let me down for I have experienced his presence and healing hand thorough out this phase of life. All glorify be to his name.
During this lock-down period in my sickness journey, God has spoken to me and has shown me three things which I would like to share with all of you. As we all know to save someone's life, we always follow A, B, C (Airway, Breathing and Circulation).
A= God's amazing Grace kept me Alive. Today I am alive and healthy because of God's goodness. He has given me the gift of life to praise Him. His precious hand was covering me and has given me healing.
B= He Breathes in me and Bless me with new life. (Genesis 2:7) "Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of ground and breath into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living being." the same way God Breathed in me and gave me a new life. God has cleared all the infectious cells of Coronavirus from my lungs and set me free. Hallelujah!
C= I am Child of God and He Cares for me. It's a great promise of God that He is my Abba Father and I am His precious child. I do believe that Jesus died for me on the cross for my sins. He has paid the price for me and gave me salvation. I believe By His stripes, I am healed. (Jeremiah 17:14) " Heal me, Lord, I will be healed; save me, I will be saved, for you are the one I praise."
God answered my prayer like Ezechiel (Isaiah 38:5b, 2 King 20: 5b, 6a) " I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will add fifteen years in your life." This is His wonderful promise, what assurance and an unfailing promise from my Abba Father.
Finally, let me tell you all, today I am strong, healthy and back to my normal activities only by His Grace. Recently I had a COVID-19 blood test on 2nd June and on 3rd June my result shows COVID-19 antibodies positive. It means I am immune. Praise God for His healing touch in my life. God has allowed me to go through these suffering but He was with me. My two daughters and husband were a great support during this time. I thank the Lord for this gift of life.
"May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plan succeed."
(Pslam 20:4) God is so Good and remains faithful to me. In my ups and downs, He Never leaves me nor forsakes me. Without God, I am nothing but with God I am complete because He created me in His own image. All glory and honour go to my Heavenly Father who is worthy to be praised. He gave me a second chance in my life. All the prayers have been answered. Hallelujah!
What is the purpose of my life? The answer is... Jesus Loves me so much that He gave me a second chance in my life to glorify His name. I was an orphan child but God had a special plan in my life. He has chosen me for His glory. I surrender all to Him, I gave my life to Him, I am not holding anything for myself. Every minute, every hour I need Jesus in my life. This is the answer to my prayers, and many churches, my family and friends prayed for me. Thank you so much.
Dear beloved my brother and sisters in Christ,
When I feel lonely in my bedroom His mighty presence guides me.
I Feel God in every gentle touch
I see God in every step of my life in my COVID-19 journey
I Hear God during my lockdown period, I had intimacy with Him.
I received God's blessings every day of my life - He breathes in me and kept me alive, My soul thirst for Him. I want to remain as God God’s witness till the very end of the world. My faith is grown stronger and before. In His time He makes all things beautiful... (song)
Thank you for listening to my testimony and God bless you all.