All Nations Community Church Wythenshawe - Community Through Faith and Fellowship (Pentecostal Church AOG)

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Finding True Joy in God's Daily Blessings

Finding True Joy in God's Daily Blessings

"This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24 (NLT)

Have you ever woken up feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders? It’s easy to let the troubles of life steal our joy, isn’t it? Maybe someone said something that hurt your feelings, or you didn’t get the recognition you were hoping for. We all have those moments when life seems a bit too much. But, my friends, today’s verse from Psalm 118:24 reminds us of a beautiful truth: This is the day the Lord has made. Each day is a precious gift from God, specially crafted for us. And because it’s His gift, we have a reason to rejoice and be glad!

God wants us to celebrate each day, not because everything is perfect, but because He has made this day for us. When we start viewing each day as a unique gift from our Heavenly Father, our perspective changes. We no longer focus on what’s wrong; instead, we appreciate what’s right. Think about that for a moment. The very breath in your lungs, the sun rising each morning, the beauty of creation—all these are signs of God’s love and faithfulness.

At All Nations Community Church, we believe that recognising each day as a gift from God is the key to living a fulfilled life. When we cherish every moment, we shift our focus from the temporary problems around us to the eternal love that God has for us. This understanding helps us realise that our joy doesn’t depend on external circumstances or the actions of others.

How often do we rely on others to make us happy? We expect our friends, family, or colleagues to behave in a certain way, and when they don’t, we feel disappointed. This dependency on others for our happiness often leaves us feeling empty and unfulfilled. The truth is, people are imperfect, and they will let us down from time to time. But God, in His infinite wisdom, has given us a source of joy that is unchanging and reliable—Himself.

True joy comes from a deep, personal relationship with God. When we spend time in His presence, worshipping Him, and reading His Word, we discover a joy that the world cannot take away. God’s joy fills us up from the inside out, providing us with peace and contentment no matter what life throws our way.

Imagine waking up each morning with a heart full of gratitude, knowing that God has already gone ahead of you, preparing your day. Imagine facing challenges with a calm assurance because you know that God’s joy is your strength. This is the kind of life God wants for us. He desires that we find our joy in Him, not in the ever-changing tides of life.

Life is unpredictable. We will face trials, disappointments, and even heartbreaks. But the wonderful thing is, God’s joy is not tied to our circumstances. It’s not dependent on how others treat us or what we achieve. God’s joy is rooted in His nature, and because He is unchanging, His joy is always available to us.

Think of Paul and Silas in the Bible. They were beaten, imprisoned, and yet, in the midst of their darkest hour, they chose to sing praises to God. Their joy didn’t come from their situation; it came from knowing who God is. They knew that God was with them, and that was enough to make them rejoice.

We too can have this kind of joy. By choosing to focus on God and His blessings, we can cultivate a deep, unshakeable joy that no circumstance can take away. God wants us to be glad and rejoice, not just on good days but on challenging ones too. When we centre our lives on Him, we find a joy that sustains us through every season of life.

Don’t let someone else’s actions steal your joy. Too often, we allow negative words or actions from others to affect us. We let their behaviour dictate how we feel. But God calls us to a higher standard. He wants us to rise above and find our contentment in Him alone. When we focus on what God is doing in our lives, we discover that no one else has the power to take away our joy.

God’s blessings are all around us. Each day He shows His love in countless ways. From the laughter of a child to the comfort of a friend, God’s presence is evident. By shifting our attention to these blessings, we begin to see the beauty of God’s handiwork in our daily lives. This awareness fills us with gratitude and joy.

Let Us Pray

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of today. Help us to recognise each day as a unique blessing from You. Teach us to find our joy in You alone, not in the changing circumstances around us. Help us to rejoice and be glad, knowing that You are with us always. Thank You for Your constant love and care. May we embrace each day with a heart full of gratitude. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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