All Nations Community Church Wythenshawe - Community Through Faith and Fellowship (Pentecostal Church AOG)

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Day 8: Embracing The Gift of God’s Divine Nature

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Day 8: Embracing The Gift of God’s Divine Nature Pastor Ras

Psalm 19:1 (NLT) 1 The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display His craftsmanship.

As we continue with our 21 days of prayer and fasting, we must stop and be thankful for the amazing world God made for us. The world is a beautiful gift to us. We see God’s greatness when we look at the sky, the mountains, and the lakes. Today’s scripture invites us to embrace God’s divine nature through the wonders of the world He has made.

Nature is more than just something pretty to look at. It shows us who God is. When we see the stars, we think of how great God is. We see God’s power when we see a storm or a big waterfall. The peaceful ocean and the warm sun show us God’s peace.

When I travelled to Zambia and visited Victoria Falls, I was reminded of God’s incredible power. The sight of the massive waterfall, with its thunderous roar and misty spray, was amazing. It was a powerful demonstration of God’s strength and majesty, a reminder that He controls even the mightiest forces on earth. We often forget to enjoy nature. I want to encourage you to spend some time in nature. Put away your phones and enjoy God’s beautiful gift. Let nature remind you of God’s love and promises.

Nature also teaches us about God’s creativity and care. Every bird, flower, and tree is made by God. They show us how creative God is. Just like nature, our own bodies show God’s amazing creativity. Think about our DNA and fingerprints. Every person’s DNA and fingerprints are different. This is a miracle of God’s design. It shows how special and unique each of us is to God. He made us all different on purpose.

When we see how God takes care of nature, we know He will take care of us, too. Jesus said, in Matthew 6:26 (NLT) 26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant, harvest, or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? This tells us that God will always provide for us.

Let’s use this time to thank God for His beautiful world. Let’s ask Him to help us see Him in nature and to take care of His creation.


Heavenly Father, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, I come before You with a heart filled with gratitude. As I walk through Your natural wonders, please remind me of Your greatness and love. Help me see Your hand in every flower, sunset, river, mountain, and rainbow.

Thank You for allowing me to enjoy it every day, no matter where I am. Whether I am strolling on a beach, trekking through a forest, or walking on a pavement, I see Your handiwork everywhere. I also appreciate the aromas of nature: the fresh scent after rain, the sweetness of blooming flowers, and the smell of pine trees. May I always cherish Your creation and be thankful for the beauty that surrounds me every day. In Jesus' precious name, Amen.


As we move forward in our 21 days of prayer and fasting, let's remember what nature teaches us about God; every part of nature shows God's greatness.


Romans 1:20 (NLT) 20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

Job 12:7-10 (NLT) 7 “Just ask the animals, and they will teach you. Ask the birds of the sky, and they will tell you. 8 Speak to the earth, and it will instruct you. Let the fish in the sea speak to you. 9 For they all know that my disaster has come from the hand of the Lord. 10 For the life of every living thing is in His hand, and the breath of every human being.

May these words deepen our appreciation for the divine artistry of nature and strengthen our connection with our Creator.