All Nations Community Church Wythenshawe - Community Through Faith and Fellowship (Pentecostal Church AOG)

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Power In the Name

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Day 20: Power In the Name Pastor Ras

Day 20: Power In the Name

Philippians 2:9-11 (NIV) 9 “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Acts 4:12 (NIV) 12 “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”


In our journey of faith, there are days when we seek a deeper understanding of the divine mysteries that surround us. Today, let us immerse ourselves in the profound truth revealed in Philippians 2:9-11 and Acts 4:12 - the power in the name of Jesus.

In Philippians 2:9-11, we read about the exaltation of Jesus Christ to the highest place, a testament to His humility and obedience, even unto death. This passage is a beautiful depiction of the honor and authority bestowed upon Christ by God the Father. It speaks of a name that is above every other, a name at which every knee should bow, in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. This name holds power, authority, and dominion over all creation.

Acts 4:12 further cements this understanding by affirming that salvation is found in no one else. In a world brimming with different beliefs and ideologies, this scripture boldly declares the uniqueness of Christ as the sole source of salvation. It is a reminder that in the vast expanse of the universe, the name of Jesus stands unrivaled and unparalleled.

The significance of these scriptures cannot be overstated. They remind us that in the name of Jesus, there is hope, there is power, and there is salvation. When we call upon His name, we are not just uttering words; we are invoking the power that created the universe, the power that defeated death, and the power that promises eternal life.

Think about the challenges you face in your daily life. The worries that keep you awake at night, the uncertainties that cloud your days, the struggles that seem insurmountable. Now, imagine laying all these at the feet of Jesus, invoking His powerful name over every situation. The scripture assures us that at His name, every knee should bow. This includes every problem, every challenge, and every situation that we face.


Lord Jesus, thank You for Your precious name, the name that is above every other name. At the mention of Your name, Lord Jesus, I know that every sickness and disease has to bow. Thank You for the victory that I have in Your name, Amen.


Take a moment to declare the power and authority of Jesus’ name over your day. Speak His name over your health, your family, your work, and your dreams. Let these daily declarations be a powerful reminder of the authority and power vested in the name of Jesus.