All Nations Community Church Wythenshawe - Community Through Faith and Fellowship (Pentecostal Church AOG)

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Day 17: Supremacy Pastor Ras

Day 17: Supremacy

COLOSSIANS 1:15-17 (NIV) 15 “The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”


As we journey through life, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of daily challenges and lose sight of the bigger picture. Today's scripture, Colossians 1:15-17, offers us a moment to pause and reflect on the incredible supremacy of Christ. This passage not only highlights Jesus' preeminence in creation but also in the new creation, a concept that speaks volumes about His lordship over all things.

Jesus Christ is described as the image of the invisible God. This profound statement encapsulates the essence of His nature – He is the visible representation of an invisible Creator. When we look at Jesus, we see the character, love, and righteousness of God Himself. He embodies the fullness of God, making the divine tangible and accessible to us.

In Him, the entirety of creation found its origin. Every element of the universe, visible and invisible, owes its existence to Him. This includes not just physical entities but also spiritual realms – thrones, powers, rulers, and authorities. By understanding that Christ is the architect of all, we recognize His authority over every aspect of our lives, from the mundane to the profound.

Perhaps one of the most comforting aspects of this scripture is the assurance that in Him, all things hold together. In a world that often seems fragmented and chaotic, this truth is a beacon of hope. Christ's sustaining power is at work in the universe, our planet, our communities, and our personal lives. There is no aspect of existence that is beyond His reach or care.


Lord Jesus, in the busyness of our day-to-day lives, we sometimes forget the magnitude of Your power and presence. Thank You for being our advocate, understanding our struggles, pains, and challenges. As we navigate through life, help us to always remember Your supremacy and to align our actions, thoughts, and desires with Your divine will. Reign in our lives, today and forever. Amen.

Action Step

Today, take a moment to reflect on the lordship of Christ over your life. Consider the areas where you might be struggling to acknowledge His authority. Is it in your personal decisions, relationships, career, or faith journey? Spend some time in prayer, asking for guidance and strength to align these areas with His will. Remember, in His supremacy, Christ not only commands but also lovingly guides and sustains us.